Prof. Dr. J.B. (Hans) Opschoor
Born: Netherlands 22th May 1944
Emeritus Professor of Sustainable Development Economics, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague (Netherlands) and Emeritus Professor of Environmental Economics, Free University Amsterdam; member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences; Honorary Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences (Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Studies, Beijing) and at Nanjing Agricultural University (College of Land Management).
Member of the UN Committee on Development Policy (portfolio on sustainable development and climate change).
University Education:
– Degree (MA equivalent) in economics (cum laude), Rotterdam School of Economics (now Erasmus University), 1968
– Ph.D. in economics, Free University, 1974.
13 edited volumes and monographs and appr. 180 articles, mostly on environment and development, environmental economics, environmental policy, environmental policy instruments.
Current research interests:
Economics of sustainable development, especially in South-North context; economics of climate change; environment and poverty; institutional aspects of economic development.